Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monkeys, Monkeys Everywhere!!!

Coming to you live from the Jungle, I write tonight covered in sweat from Bukit Lawang, deep inside the heart of the steamy exotic Sumatran rain forest.

Since leaving Penang Malaysia my luck has improved considerably. Upon arriving in Medan Indonesia I had the good fortune to run into an American couple who were also bound for Bukit Lawang and the three of us shared a minivan ride saving me the cost of hiring one myself or even worse getting stuck for the night in Medan. I managed to find a great room for myself in Bukit Lawang complete with a great view and spitting distance from the Bahorok river. Yesterday while napping in a hammock on my balcony I awoke to see an orangutan on the opposite river bank staring at me! Orangutans are the main attraction here in Bukit Lawang as since 1972 the village has played host to an orangutan rehabiltation center whose aim is to help formerly captive Orangutans acclimatize to the wild or help orangutans relocated from endangered habitats adapt to their new environment.

My midday nap was brought on my a strenuous two day trek into the Gunung Leuser national park with the intent of seeing orangutans and the other exciting life the jungle had to offer. The trek was exhausting but a real success, I saw so many orangutans I lost count. (I think it was about twelve) I even feed one a banana from my hand! Everything was real up close and personal. I saw three little baby Bogeys, Thomas Leaf monkeys, Black Gibbons, all manner of other more common monkeys, a giant Rhinoceros Hornbill (!), all kinds of crazy insects and tons of monitor lizards. Can you believe it? Our guide said in 15 years of leading treks he had never seen as many monkeys in one day as we did. We shattered his old personal record. Looks like the Beastmaster has still got his touch.

My view overlooking the rainforest and the Baharok river

Friendly locals

Indonesian high school kids memorized by the blue-eyed American girl Erin.

What's that? Up there, a plane, a bird, a giant squirrel?

Holy Crap! It's an orangutan and her little baby!

And she's coming down the tree...

To get some food from the ranger feeding station!

Wild Orangs and other Critters From Leuser Natl. Forest:

Deep inside the steamy Sumatran Jungle....

Thomas Leaf Monkey. Lit'l feller kinda looks like Stripe from Gremlins huh?

Black Gibbon

Our Jungle trek guides were fearless.

OK, perhaps brainless is the word I'm looking for. At times it was like watching video submissions for Indonesian "Jackass" or "Wildboys".

This guy looks tough but he was a real sweety. He took a banana right from my hand.

This sweet faced orangutan named Suma protects trekers from the evil and psychotic orangutan Mena, whom we did encounter on our trek, three times. Once Suma came to our rescue, another time we ran, and the third time Mena was placated with bananas. Fortunately no blood was shed, on my trek anyway.

This guy was full-on 100% wild Orang. He threw sticks at us when we surprised him in a clearing beside a pleasant little stream. He warmed up to our presence after a while and for some reason he was my favorite.

A not so shy Monitor Lizard. The campsite was crawling with these guys. They like the chicken bones left over from campers' dinner.

End of the line for the two-day trek, Bahorok river. Tube ride home from here.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

that looks like the black river swamp behind you. be good friend. hope you are well. let me know if you need anything from us here in the carolina.